Originally posted on February 1, 2024 @ 12:39 pm
In a world where technology has come to stay, helping us thrive and evolve in ways beyond imagination, Christians are encouraged to make use of technology for the gospel. If you are here, you’re probably about to enter the world of blogging, and in this resource, I will be sharing tips about how to start a Christian blog. The tips I’ll be sharing are based on my experience running this blog.
In this article
What is a Christian blog?
A Christian blog is an online resource where people find Christian content that builds their souls and helps them on the journey to spiritual maturity. A Christian blog focuses on Christian affairs, questions, and happenings.
Is a Christian blog a ministry?
Yes, a Christian blog is a ministry. My experience with this blog has helped me realize that running a Christian blog is a calling; as easy as it may sound to own a blog, it takes grace to run one successfully.
There are many ways to start a Christian blog. You can either start for free or invest your money. In this section, I’ll be explaining how you can start for free and for those who want to use a paid plan.
How to start a blog for free
I understand many people want to start a Christian faith blog, but they do not have the finances. I started this blog in 2020 for free. I remember the day I posted my first blog post titled “Dead to be alive.” I was very happy. The post was inspired by a tree that sprung to life after it was cut off in my compound. Let me take you through the process;
1. Pray and receive instructions from the Lord
Before you start anything spiritual, you have to ask God for his leading and consent. Why? You may ask. Blogging may sound ordinary to you, but it is like every spiritual duty; you are providing resources that are against the kingdom of darkness. Therefore, you need to ask God for his guidance so that you are sure of his backing.
2. Decide on the niche
A niche is like a specialization for your blog. You already know your audiences are Christians, but which niche in Christianity do you want to go for? Examples include:
Christian lifestyle, bible study, Christian journaling, daily devotional, Christian parenting, Christian men, Christian marriages, Christian mental health, Christian relationships, prayers, use of technology for Christians, Christianity and health, Christian news, Christian biographies, church history, and many more.
If you have committed it to God, you will be able to easily pick a niche based on what God has called you to do.
3. Visit similar blogs doing what you want to do
You should visit similar blogs to look at how they approach the topics, blog layouts, and other inspiration. When you visit similar blogs, it helps you to learn more about the niche you want to venture into. It also gives you other ideas, opening your eyes to unlimited possibilities.
4. Decide a name for your blog
Giving a name to your blog is one important decision for you to take. The name “Beautiful Roses Nigeria” and the anchor scripture of this blog were conceived years ago during my quiet time. I am grateful I noted things down in my journal; if not, I may not be able to remember the name anymore.
I know there are many guidelines about choosing a domain name, but when it comes to a Christian blog, God should be your guide.
5. Decide which platform
There are many blogging and microblogging platforms these days you can choose from. I will recommend WordPress, Tumblr, medium, Blogger, and many more. I do not recommend Blogger because it is difficult to customize; people who have a good knowledge of coding will find it easier to adjust the codes to fit their needs.
6. Choose your blog design and templates
When you have decided on the platform, head over to their site to register. Keep in mind that if you are using the platform for free, your domain name will carry an extension of the platform, i.e., your domain name or blog name will look like this: [email protected].
After registering, follow the processes to create a blog. Choose a theme that appeals to you and link your social media handles to the blog for great branding.
7. Set up a social media profile
If you haven’t set up your social media profile, set up your social media profile. Keep the blog description and information uniform across all your profiles for credibility and digital imprint.
8. Write content for your pages and blog
You need to craft content for your new faith blog. Start by creating content for your blog pages. Some important pages include the home, about, and contact pages. Your home page should contain a welcoming statement, and it should show your audience a glimpse of the helpful resources on your faith blog.
Your about page should contain details about your blog and you. It will help people feel at home on your blog. Remember to add a subscription section and contact info for people who want to reach out to you.
You can start creating content for your blog, and I suggest that you craft your content and also create your social media pages before launching the website. Creating content ahead helps you to have a soft start, and it helps your audience to become familiar with you.
9. Learn about keyword research and SEO
When I started my blog, I remember becoming discouraged when my post wasn’t receiving traffic. I only got views on days when I shared my post on social media. I started getting traffic when I learned SEO and keyword research. The process is not difficult; it only takes commitment and dedication.
10. Set up email subscription
Email subscription is very important for your blog; it helps you to harvest the email of those who visit your site. With the email, you can send words of encouragement, prayers, and other things that may help them grow spiritually. You can use platforms like Convert Kit, MailChimp, etc.
11. Launch your site
You can now launch your site after you have done all of the things I wrote previously. Don’t forget that the process is not over; you need to keep learning and evolving as your blog grows.
I hope you found answers to your questions in the first part of this article. Kindly keep in mind that the list is not orderly; it is a checklist. You are permitted to do them as you deem fit.
This site is a Christian blog that has evolved over the years. After going through mental health issues, I decided to add a personal development section to the blog. I realized after facing this challenge that Christians need to develop themselves and their bold capacity so that when challenges come, they won’t break them down mentally.
Adelekan Bolanle
Remember to start small, then grow to build capacity. Don’t be intimidated by the big blogs; you will get there with dedication and consistency.
Starting a Christian Faith Blog with Paid Plan
This section is for those who are willing to spend money in order to create a blog that is professionally appealing and has more features and customization. It is also helpful for those who are starting from the free platform. You can decide to upgrade later. This guide will be helpful for you.
The process is similar to creating a free Christian blog; therefore, I won’t rewrite some of the details I have written previously to prevent repetition.
1. Pray about it
2. Decide on the niche
3. Visit popular blogs with authority in the niche for inspiration. This is more important since you are going for a paid platform. Visiting other sites will enable you to customize according to your preference.
4. Choose a name for your blog.
5. Register a domain name and buy a hosting plan
After you have decided on the domain name you want, register the domain name and buy a hosting plan. You can do these with many platforms like Blue Host, HostGator, Namecheap, GoDaddy, and many more. For people in Nigeria, you can start with companies like True Host, Domain King, etc. You can also research and visit their platforms through the link for pricing.
When buying your domain name, remember that the fees are charged yearly, and it is usually cheaper when buying for the first time. Make sure you confirm the recurring fees and go for a plan you can afford conveniently. Remember, paying for hosting and domain name is like renting a house; you should always stay within your means.
You can always upgrade as your website expands or yields an income.
6. Decide on the platform to use
Like I said before, there are many blogging platforms, but if you are investing money, I suggest you use WordPress. WordPress is used by more than 60% of website owners; therefore, it is easy to access resources and find community. You can set up WordPress on the hosting you bought.
You can also buy only a domain name and connect to the blogger platform if you want to use Blogger, which offers free hosting.
7. Set up your website
If you are experienced in web design, you can now design your website to your taste. Make sure your design is appealing and conveys the core value of your blog. If you cannot design the site yourself, you can hire a website designer to do the job for you. I offer web design services. You can book an appointment with me through this link; let us create the magic together.
8. Set up social media profiles
9. Set up email subscription
I know there are paid email subscription tools, but I recommend that you opt for the free version for a start until you have understood the process or if you need more tools that are not available on the free plan. Use platforms like convertkit or MailChimp
10. Learn SEO and keyword research
11. Launch your blog
When I started this blog, I started from a free WordPress site (beautifulrosesnigeria.wordpress.com). After I learned web design, I designed this site to serve as a sample I can send to clients. I bought a hosting that comes with a free domain name (beautifulrosesnigeria.org.ng), although the domain name was not perfect; I used it for about a year before I bought the current domain name. You can start small; as the pieces come together, you will grow into the full capacity of what God has called you to be.
Adelekan Bolanle
Final Thoughts
Irrespective of your choice of starting a Christian blog, you need to promote your content. Send it to friends and families for reading and ask them to share also. It helps you build a community of faithful readers.
Always remember that your Christian blog is a ministry; it is important for you to be patient and well-grounded in the word of God, have regular worship with God, and also have an intimate relationship with God. It will help you to make godly decisions, and even when opportunities to monetize the blog come in the future, you won’t be money-centered.
Don’t forget to turn on the notification for this blog, as I will be sharing more tips about keyword research and blogging.