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Originally posted on May 5, 2023 @ 10:40 am

Prayer is essential in our daily lives as believers; it is a weapon and a way of worship. Including prayers in our relationship makes it better. Over the years, I have learnt to pray for my husband as a wife, and it is truly unique what prayers can do to our relationship. In this article, I will share some of the prayers you can pray for your wife, but before we dig deeper into the topic, let’s answer the question: Why should I pray for my wife?

The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]

James 5:

Why you should pray for your wife

  • Praying for your wife is like praying for your marriage. When you pray for your wife, you pray for your marriage and commit the union to God.
  • Prayers change you. Going down on our kneels changes us. Many of us always want to see changes in the other person but praying helps us to see the changes we need to make; to become better husbands or fathers.
  • Praying for your wife reveals her greatest needs and desires to you. When you continually pray for your wife, God reveals some of her hidden thoughts and wishes. You can find yourself praying for her and asking for things she needs but hasn’t told you about.
  • Praying for your wife shows you love her enough to commit her unto God daily.

30 Daily Healthy Pregnancy Prayers

Daily Prayers for your Wife

25+ Daily Prayers for My Wife's Protection and Guidance | Beautiful Roses Nigeria

Cultivate love and faith in your wife's life through daily prayers. day 3: Lord, bless and protect my wife wherever she may be. May the hand of the lord be with her everywhere she goes. 

Whether you are praying for your future wife or you are married, these suggested prayer points can guide your daily prayer for your partner.

  1. Thank God for the gift of your wife, and appreciate God for trusting you with his precious gift.
  2. Lord, help me to love my wife and be the best husband she deserves.
  3. Lord, bless and protect my wife wherever she may be. May the hand of the lord be with her everywhere she goes. 
  4. Grant her good health, wisdom, and discernment in all her endeavours.
  5. Guide her steps and lead her towards Your will for her life. May she always prioritise the will of God over the flesh.
  6. May she be a woman of faith, filled with Your Spirit, love for You and all that concerns God.
  7. Lord, bless her with a heart that is compassionate and caring towards others.
  8. Grant her success in all her endeavours, and may she have the courage to face life’s challenges.
  9. May she always have joy, peace, and contentment in her heart.
  10. Help her grow in wisdom and understanding to seek your truth.
  11. Protect her from all harm and danger, and keep her safe in Your arms.
  12. Bless her with strong and meaningful relationships with family and friends. Surround her with people who genuinely love and care about her.
  13. Give her a heart for serving others and making a difference in the world.
  14. Lord, grant her strength and perseverance to overcome any obstacle.
  15. May she be filled with hope, even in difficult times. 
  16. Please help her forgive and show mercy to those who wronged her.
  17. Bless her with a humble heart and willingness to learn from others.
  18. Lord, give her a spirit of generosity and a desire to give back to others.
  19. May she be blessed with a loving and supportive community of believers.
  20. Grant her a heart of gratitude and thankfulness for all Your blessings.
  21. Help her to prioritise her relationship with You above all else.
  22. Bless her with a heart that is open to Your leading and direction.
  23. Lord, may she find fulfilment and purpose in You alone.
  24. Help her to love and cherish the people in her life.
  25. Grant her a heart that is forgiving and quick to seek reconciliation.
  26. May she find joy and fulfilment in her work and vocation.
  27. Please help her to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
  28. Lord, bless her with a heart of compassion for hurting people.
  29. Please help her to prioritise rest and self-care in her life.
  30. May she find strength and comfort in Your presence and Word.
  31. Bless her with a heart that is passionate about Your kingdom and work.
  32. Lord, grant her peace and assurance in Your love for her always.

A man praying

And I will do whatever you ask in My name [[b]as My representative], this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified and celebrated in the Son. 

John 14:13 amp

I hope these prayers are helpful to you as you pray for your wife. You can add as many prayer points as you like to be listed as the holy spirit guides you. Be bold and keep praying even when you do not see the evidence of the prayers immediately. 

Keep praying; the fruit is almost ripe.

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