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List of Jesus’ Miracles In Chronological Order

Originally posted on November 11, 2023 @ 7:13 am

Our Lord Jesus is a source of inspiration to many believers because of his words and works while he walked the earth as a man. One of the works of Jesus that encourages me is the miracles he performed on earth, and those miracles are extraordinary events that show the divine nature, compassion and authority over the physical and the spiritual world.

The miracles he performed are an essential part of the Christian faith and the development of theology and belief. In this article, we’ll explore the list of Jesus’ miracles in chronological order, categories of the miracles performed by Jesus and the significance of the miracles.

37 Miracles of Jesus in Chronological Order

Jesus performed many miracles that cannot be written down in one book because of how many they were. Still, we can easily note 37 miracles that Jesus performed himself in the scripture.

#MiracleLocationScriptural Reference
1Jesus turned water into wineCana of GalileeJohn 2:1-11
2Jesus heals a nobleman’s sonCana of GalileeJohn 4:43-54
3Jesus heals a man with unclean spiritCapernaumMark 1:21-27
Luke 4:31-36
4Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother-in-Law Matthew 8:14-15
Mark 1:29-31
Luke 4:38-39
5Healing of the sick, oppressed, and possessed Matthew 8:16-17
Mark 1:32-34
Luke 4:40-41
6Miraculous catch of fishGennnesaretLuke 5:1-11
7Cleansing of the man with leprosy Matthew 8:1-4
Mark 1:40-45
Luke 5:12-14
8Jesus Healed a Centurion’s Paralysed ServantCapernaumMatthew 8:5-13
Luke 7:1-10
9Jesus Healed a paralysed man Let Down From the Roof Matthew 9:1-8
Mark 2:1-12
Luke 5:17-26
10Jesus Healed a man with a withered hand Matthew 12:9-14
Mark 3:1-6
Luke 6:6-11
11Jesus Raised a Widow’s Son From the DeadNainLuke 7:11-17
12He calmed the storm at sea Matthew 8:23-27
Mark 4:35-41
Luke 8:22-25
13Casting out of demons from the madmanGardarenesMatthew 8:28-33
Mark 5:1-20
Luke 8:26-39
14Healing of the woman with the issue of blood Matthew 9:20-22
Mark 5:25-34
Luke 8:43-48
  15  Jesus brought Jairus’ Daughter Back to Life Matthew 9:23-26
Mark 5:35-43
Luke 8:49-56
16Jesus Healed Two Blind Men Matthew 9:27-31
17Jesus healed a dumb man Matthew 9:32-34
18Jesus Heals an Invalid at BethesdaBethesdaJohn 5:1-15
19Jesus Fed 5,000 Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-15
20Jesus Walks on Water Matthew 14:22-33
Mark 6:45-52
John 6:16-21
21Healing of many by his touch and the hem of his garmentGennesaretMatthew 14:34-36
Mark 6:53-56
22Healing of a Syrophenician Woman’s Demon-Possessed Daughter Matthew 15:21-28
Mark 7:24-30
23Healing a Deaf and Dumb Man Mark 7:31-37
24Feeding the 4,000 Matthew 15:32-39
Mark 8:1-13
25Healing the blind man at BethsaidaBethsaidaMark 8:22-26
26Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind John 9:1-12
27Jesus Heals a Boy With an Unclean Spirit Matthew 17:14-20
Mark 9:14-29
Luke 9:37-43
28Money from the mouth of the fish Matthew 17:24-27
29Jesus Heals a Blind and mute man Matthew 12:22-23
Luke 11:14-23
30Jesus Heals a Woman Who was Cripple for 18 Years Luke 13:10-17
31Jesus Heals a Man who had dropsy Luke 14:1-6
32Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers on the Way Luke 17:11-19
33Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead BethanyJohn 11:1-45
34Jesus Restores Bartimaeus’s sightJerichoMatthew 20:29-34
Luke 10:46-52
Mark 18:35-43
35Jesus Withers the Fig Tree Matthew 21:18-22 Mark11:12-14
36Jesus restores the ear of the man Peter cut off Luke 22:50-51
37Miraculous Catch of FishSea of TiberiasJohn 21:4-11
the 37 miracles of Jesus in chronological order

list of Jesus miracles in chronological order. paralysed man brought through the roof
Those below saw the hole appear and get bigger until it was large enough for the paralysed man to be lowered on his bed mat to Jesus. Image Credit: Freebibleimages

Categories of miracles performed by Jesus in the Bible

1. Healing miracles: Many of Jesus’ miracles involve the healing of various physical and spiritual diseases or ailments. Some of these include restoring sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, mobility to the lame, and even raising the dead. These healing miracles not only remove suffering but also show the spiritual healing and salvation that Jesus offers to the world.

2. Authority over Nature: Jesus demonstrated His authority over nature by performing miracles such as calming storms, walking on water, and turning water into wine. These miracles showed His divine power and control over the physical world.

3. Casting out of Demons: Jesus cast out demons from individuals who were possessed or tormented by evil spirits. These not only freed the afflicted but also illustrated Jesus’ authority and victory over the forces of darkness.

4. Feeding Miracles: Jesus performed two significant miracles where he multiplied a small amount of food to feed large crowds. The feeding of the 5,000 and the feeding of the 4,000 demonstrated Jesus’ ability to provide for the physical needs of His followers while also providing for their spiritual needs.

5. Miracles of Provision: Jesus provided by bringing out money from the fish mouth to pay taxes and also by miraculously providing a multitude catch of fish. These miracles are proof that Jesus is willing and able to provide for our needs.

Why Did Jesus Perform Miracles On Earth?

1. The miracles are a confirmation of his identity as the son of God. They also provide evidence that he is the messiah who is sent to save the world.

2. Jesus’ miracles showed his compassionate nature and his heart for his people. He fed the hungry, comforted the afflicted, and healed the sick, demonstrating his love and care for humanity.

3. His miracles serve as a teaching tool to teach spiritual lessons to his followers.

4. His miracles emphasise the importance of faith in the life of a believer. Jesus emphasised faith in the process of healing and salvation by using words like “your faith has made you whole”.

5. Some miracles of Jesus challenged stereotyped religious traditions and beliefs.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the miracles of Jesus are foundational to the Christian faith, emphasising His divine nature, compassion for humanity, and the transformative power of faith. They continue to inspire and strengthen the beliefs of Christians around the world, serving as a testament to the profound impact of His ministry.

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