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Ways to Spend Time with God

Originally posted on August 3, 2023 @ 3:33 pm

When God created man in the Garden of Eden, he made man be like him and fellowship with him. God’s love for man was like the love a father has for his son, a love that transcends all understanding. After man fell, God gave his son for our redemption so that we could come to his presence confidently and without fear. In this article, we will explore ways to spend time with God, the importance of spending time with God, and some bible verses that encourage spending time with God. I pray this article blesses you.

What does it mean to spend time with God?

Spending time with God means communing and staying in his presence. Spending time with God is not a one-time thing. Many people often think having regular quiet time with God is the only way to spend time with God; that is untrue. There are several ways you can incorporate God into your daily activities. Before we learn ways to spend time with God, let us go through why it is important to spend time with God.

Why is it important to spend time with God?

In my years of walking with God, I have seen that it is crucial to always be in the presence of God. I believe God is always available to fellowship with us because he loves us and knows how vital it is for us to be connected to him regularly.

Here are some key reasons why spending time with God is crucial:

  • It nurtures our relationship with God.

Our relationship with God is a little like any relationship. Spending time with God helps strengthen and deepen our connection with Him. It allows us to know Him better, understand His character, and experience His love and presence.

  • It nourishes us spiritually.

 Our souls require spiritual nourishment. Just as our bodies need physical food to thrive, doing things that help us spend quality time with God feeds our spirits and helps us grow in faith. We are nourished spiritually when we dwell in his presence.

  • We receive God’s Guidance and Direction.

God often speaks to us through prayer and meditation on His Word. When we spend time with Him, we gain clarity and direction for our lives, helping us make better decisions that align with his will and purpose for our lives.

  • It brings Peace and Rest.

 We are often faced with challenges and temptation, and spending time with God provides a place of refuge and peace. It gives us rest from our burdens and brings an unusual sense of calmness to our souls.

  • We are transformed when we dwell in his presence.

The more time we spend with God, the more the Holy Spirit works within us, changing our hearts, attitudes, and behaviours. It helps us grow in holiness and become more like Christ. We become more like him when we regularly spend time with him. The more time we stay in God’s presence, the more we become like him. There is a saying in my language that says, “The more a leaf mixes with the soap, the soapy it becomes.”

  • It Strengthens our Faith.

 Regularly experiencing God’s presence and faithfulness strengthens our trust and confidence in Him, even during challenging times. We should learn to stay in his presence without fail, even when we do not feel like it.

  • We receive strength to Combat Temptation.

 Spending time with God helps us resist temptation and sin. It reminds us of our identity in Christ and equips us to stand firm against the enemy’s schemes. God can reveal the enemy’s plot to us before the temptation comes, thereby shielding us from the enemy’s plan.

  • We receive Empowerment for Service.

 No one can do God’s work without being empowered for service. Time spent with God equips us to serve others and diligently do his work. It fills us with His love and compassion, motivating us to be a blessing to those around us.

  • It inspires Gratitude and Worship.

 Spending time with God fosters a heart of gratitude and worship. We become more appreciative of His blessings and continually acknowledge His goodness in our lives.

  • We receive Healing and Comfort.

During times of pain, loss, or hardship, spending time with God brings healing to our broken hearts and offers comfort in our sorrows. Whenever I go through a rugged face, I usually take time out with God. Sometimes I cry while worshipping, praying, or speaking in tongues; I always find peace after pouring my heart out to him.

Spending time with God is not a religious duty but a vital and transformative practice that impacts every aspect of our lives. It deepens our relationship with Him, nurtures our souls, provides guidance, and empowers us to live as His ambassadors.

Spending time with God must be a lifelong journey. This act of worship should be a genuine way of reaching God; we shouldn’t do this because we need something from him.

ways to spend time with God: bible study
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

People who Spent Time with God in the Bible

  • Abraham ( Genesis 18:17)

Our patriarch of faith, Abraham, Is an excellent example of someone who was always in the presence of God. When God was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, he said, “Would I do this without telling my friend, Abraham.” Abraham even negotiated with God to save the city if he found ten saints. The relationship between Abraham and Lot also shows a man who had a close fellowship with God.

  • Enoch (Genesis 5: 21-24)

The Bible mentioned that Enoch walked with God till he was no more. I am always fascinated by the story of Enoch and how the Bible spoke about him (Genesis 5:22). He lived in close fellowship with God for another 300 years, which means he has always lived in an intimate connection with God.

  • Phillip (Acts 8:26-39)

Philip is a bible character often not spoken about. Still, he was evidence of a man who had spent time with God and had a close relationship with God. At one time, when God needed someone to explain a particular scripture to an Ethiopian eunuch, God sent Phillip to do the job. He went to the eunuch while he was reading the scriptures, he explained the scriptures to him and also baptised him before he disappeared.

20 ways to spend time with God

  1. Read and study the Bible

 Reading and studying the word of God is a great way to learn more about God’s word and grow closer to Him.

  1. Praying

Prayer is a powerful way to communicate with God and express your thoughts, feelings, and needs to Him. Prayer is a two-way communication line; we can tell our hearts to God and receive from God.

  1. Do not forsake the gathering of the brethren

Gathering with other believers and hearing a message from God’s word is a great way to worship and learn. We also spend time with God whenever we spend time with other believers; remember, Jesus said, “Where two or more are gathered, I am there” (Mathew 18:20)

  1. Listen to Christian music

Worship music can be a great way to focus your mind and heart on God. We can shut our thoughts of fear, negativity, and doubt whenever we worship and sing to God. I especially love singing hymns unto God; hymns are my go-to place whenever I need motivation from God. You can check out my article on 20 my favourite hymns with lyrics. Listening to worship music is a way to spend time with God.

  1. Keep a gratitude journal

Reflecting on the blessings in your life and thanking God for them is a great way to stay focused on His goodness. Instead of being pessimistic about the economic woes, write what you are grateful for.

  1. Practice meditation

 Taking time to quiet your mind and focus on God’s presence can be a great way to connect with Him. Joshua encourages us to meditate on the word of God day and night (Joshua 1:8).

  1. Serve others

Volunteering or helping others in need is a great way to show God’s love and reflect His character. God is happy when we allow the less privileged and those in need.

  1. Regular Quiet time

Regular quiet time or morning devotion is a great way to spend time with God. It draws you closer to God and opens your spirit to receive from God.

  1. Spending time in nature

 Enjoying God’s creation and appreciating His handiwork can be a great way to connect with Him. Whenever I read the book of Psalms, I marvel at how much studying nature can benefit our fellowshipping with God and appreciating his goodness.

  1. Practice fasting

 Fasting by abstaining from food or certain activities can be a way to focus your attention on God and seek His will. Fasting helps to keep our bodies in subjection while our spirit is elevated.

  1. Join a Bible study group

 Joining a group of fellow believers to study and discuss God’s word can be a great way to spend quality time with God. You can also do this by joining a digital community of believers. It can be a way to connect with other believers and learn from one another.

  1. Participate in a Christian retreat or conference

 Attending a Christian event can be a great way to be inspired and learn more about God. I have learned a lot from attending retreats and conferences. The wealth of experience of the speakers connects us with God and helps us to dig more into what God has planned for us.

  1. Memorize scripture

Committing Bible verses to memory can be a way to meditate on God’s word and apply it to your life. When you allow the word of God to dwell richly in you, you are allowing God to be in you (Colossians 3:16, John 1:1)

  1. Share your faith

 Sharing the good news of Jesus with others is a way to reflect God’s love and bring others to Him. God is always with those who are willing and sharing his word worldwide.

  1. Keep a prayer list

 A list of people and issues to pray for can help you stay focused and consistent in your prayer life. God is regularly seeking intercessors who are willing to go on their kneels to pray for the lost souls (Ezekiel 22:30-31)

  1. Read Christian books or devotionals

 Reading books or devotionals by Christian authors can be a way to learn and be inspired in your faith. I usually incorporate reading Christian books into my daily routine. It helps me to focus and learn more from God through the writer.

  1. Take a spiritual retreat

 Taking time away from your routine to focus on your spiritual life can be a great way to connect with God. Many people underestimate the place of having personal retreats, but then, having a retreat helps you to spend quality time with God while you learn from him.

  1. Dancing unto God

Singing or dancing to praise and worship music can be a way to express your love and adoration for God. You can decide to sing yourself and dance while singing; God loves your voice as it is as long as you are spending time with him.

  1. Participate in acts of service or outreach

 Volunteering your time and resources to serve others can be a way to reflect God’s love and kindness to those in need. Go for outreaches and evangelism, ministering to others and helping them see the light.

  1. Mentoring the next generation

 This is one of the things I love doing the most. The next generation already has a lot on their hands. You can fellowship with God by mentoring and guiding them to live a Christ-like life. God loves people who raise men for the kingdom.

a group of people spending time with God
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

10 Bible Verses about spending time with God

I love when our actions are deeply rooted in the word of God. In this section, you can find ten bible verses that encourage spending time with God.

  • Colossians 3:2 (NIV) – “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
  • Psalm 105:4 (NIV) – “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.”
  • Hebrews 4:16 (NIV) – “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
  • Mark 1:35 (NIV) – “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”
  • Luke 5:16 (NIV) – “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”
  • Psalm 37:4 (NIV) – “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
  • Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV) – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
  • Psalm 46:10 (NIV) – “He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.'”
  • Psalm 16:11 (NIV) – “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”
  • John 15:5 (NIV) – “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.”

Frequently Asked Question

Does God want to spend time with me?

God wants to spend time with you. He yearns for a relationship with you and is willing to stay with you as long as you want him to.

How much time should I spend with God?

I believe you should spend twenty-four hours times seven days with God (24 x 7 days). Let your thoughts, activities, decisions, and walk with God be in constant fellowship and worship of God.

Is reading the bible spending time with God?

ways to spend time with God: bible study

Yes, reading the Bible is spending time with God. The Bible is the word of God, and Jesus is also the word of God. The Holy Spirit is also available to give you an understanding of the Scripture. If you think of this, you are already spending time with The Trinity.

Can you spend too much time with God?

No, you can’t spend too much time with God when you do things correctly. Planning your time correctly and doing the right thing at the right time is vital.

Finally, God is always around us and constantly reaches out to us. When we consciously decide to spend time with God continuously, we are doing ourselves a favour and can become more like him. You can listen to an audio bible or Christian music in transit or attend a gathering of believers. You can even decide to read a book and connect to God. Whichever one you choose, ensure your heart and mind is regularly connected to God.

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