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Hey there, i’m Bola

Welcome to Beautiful Roses Nigeria. I am a mother of three children, a Content Writer, Web Developer, Maths Teacher and a Lover of God. I am passionate about helping people grow in the knowledge of God.

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About Beautiful Roses Nigeria

Christianity is a lifestyle. It is essential to manifest Christ in all we do as believers. Our daily habits and choices should reflect that we are a light that shines.

At Beautiful Roses Nigeria, we are committed to providing you with a transformative and enriching journey in your Christian walk. Our blog is more than just a collection of articles; it’s a vibrant community of believers seeking to grow in faith, foster meaningful relationships, and embrace Christian values in all aspects of life.


Beautiful Roses Nigeria: Roses have Thorn

Why the name Beautiful Roses?


Beautiful Roses is a name I envisioned around 2012. The name crossed my mind during one of my study times which made me research roses. I know roses are beautiful; the smell and the feel of the flower are fantastic. I never thought there was any other exciting side to the beautiful flower.

I found out that the delicate and soft flower has thorns. Sharp and prickling thorns can cause pain. Oh my! How did I never know this? A beautiful flower that brings smiles to the face of many people has thorns. It really resonates with me. I realised many of us have a part of us that feels like thorns. We have a side that we are never willing to share.

Everyone has a lovely beauty to behold, but we all have a total turn-off side. It doesn’t mean we are terrible. It only suggests we can improve ourselves and become better. A well-trimmed rose will bring smiles and not cries. A renewed and reformed life will also bring smiles. That is why the blog is called Beautiful roses Nigeria.

what you can expect from our blog:

Unveiling the Depths of Christian Faith

Step into a world of spiritual exploration as we delve into the timeless truths of the Bible. We bring biblical teachings, and practical applications that will illuminate your path of faith. Whether you are a seasoned believer or new to Christianity, our articles will inspire you to draw nearer to God and strengthen your foundation in Christ.

Embracing Christian Family and Relationships

The importance of family and relationships is deeply rooted in Christian values. We address the challenges and joys of family life, offer guidance for nurturing healthy relationships, and explore the beauty of God’s design for marriage. Discover ways to build strong bonds with your loved ones, create a Christ-centred home, and grow together in love and unity.

Empowering the Christian Woman

Ladies, you are valued, cherished, and uniquely designed by God. We celebrate the strength and beauty of Christian women. Explore topics that resonate with your heart, from personal growth and leadership to navigating the complexities of modern life. Unleash your God-given potential as we provide resources and encouragement tailored to your journey.

Thriving Through Christian Personal Development

We believe that growth is an essential part of the Christian journey. Through our insightful articles, you’ll find guidance on discovering your purpose, honing your talents, and overcoming obstacles. Learn how to embrace self-discipline, set achievable goals, and develop a Christ-like character that shines brightly in the world.

Nurturing Christian Healthy Living

Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and caring for it is an act of worship. We believe in holistic well-being by exploring the intersection of faith and healthy living. Discover practical tips on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and maintaining spiritual balance. Experience the joy of honouring God through a lifestyle that glorifies Him.

Fostering Christian Living and Discipleship

A life of discipleship is a lifelong journey. As you grow in Christ, you become equipped to impact the world around you positively. Join us as we walk together in this exciting adventure, learning how to spread God’s love, serve others with humility, and make a difference in our communities.

Start Your Transformation Today

Begin your journey of spiritual discovery and growth with Beautiful Roses Nigeria; dive into our articles, subscribe to our newsletter, and let our blog be your trusted companion on your walk of faith. Together, let’s explore the wonders of Christianity, connect with God’s Word, and inspire one another to shine as lights in this world.

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