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9 Bible Study Tips for beginners

Originally posted on December 29, 2022 @ 7:06 am

Bible Study Tips for beginners
Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance
Take notes
Have a regular study time …

Salvation is a miracle that never ceases to amaze me. The journey after salvation requires determination and conscious daily commitment. One of the commitments includes regular studying of the bible. The Bible isn’t just a book filled with stories that are meant to tell us the history and path of Christianity. The Bible contains the powerful word of God which gives life to our spirit.

 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8

Studying the bible can sometimes be difficult for new believers; it was difficult for me when I had just got born again, I remember I was more attracted to reading stories from the bible. With help from some friends and constant effort, I gradually formed the habit of reading the bible and helping others grow.

In this article, I will share tips to help you as a beginner to study your bible and draw near to God. I have an article about “effective quiet time strategy” which you can read; it will help you a great deal. let’s discus some tools you need for an enjoyable Bible study before we dive into the tips you need to start studying your bible.

Bible Study tools

Bible study tools
Photo by Pixabay

Studying the bible for beginners can be easy with some great bible study tools which makes the process easy and seamless. Nevertheless, you can still study your bible even if you don’t have all of these tools.

  • Bible

A bible is very important for effective study. I usually advise beginners to start studying with a hardcopy bible. Using soft copy can be distracting and temptations can sometimes come through pop-up messages and adverts from some of the bible applications.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12

  • Bible Dictionary

Bible dictionaries are helpful tools for great bible study. The Bible contains words that we may not fully understand their meanings except we consult a bible dictionary. If you can afford one, please go for it. It exposes you to a deeper understanding of the word.

  • Different bible translations

The Bible is translated into different versions and languages to help us understand it better. I prefer reading the bible in multiple versions as it exposes my mind to more information. It is like seeking opinions from various people; it sometimes helps us have more understanding of events. My favourite part is reading the bible in my local language, the result is empowering.

  • Book, Pen and Highlighter

Your tools aren’t complete without these three. The combination makes study easy, reflective and effective. Many times I jot down things that interest me in bible passages and what the Holy Spirit would have me see when reading some bible passages.

A highlighter comes in handy when I read scriptures that hit deep and I want to bookmark them and make them easy to find.

  • Bible Concordance

Bible concordance is a great tool for study. It makes finding words and bible events easy and stress-free.

  • Get a preferred bible translation

The Bible can seem like a hassle when you read it in a version you can’t interpret. I believe that is why we have different versions of the scripture for different people. Get a copy of the bible in a version you can easily read and understand; it is very essential. I will recommend “The New International Version or New Living Translation Bible”.

They are both easy and they are both similar to the King James Version. You can also get the YouVersion bible which contains other translations (You can download the bible app on your phone or the browser version).

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Bible Study Tips For Beginners

  • Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance

The Bible is the word of God and no one can explain the content better than the Holy Spirit. Make it a habit to invite the Holy Spirit for guidance and understanding. If we do not allow the Holy Spirit to explain his word, we may end up using our human wisdom to interpret the scriptures which is dangerous.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

Romans 15:4

  • Open your heart to receive from God

God is always willing to speak to his children. I believe God speaks regularly to us; we only have to make a conscious effort to listen and hear him. Open your heart to receive from the throne of grace. I believe if you have an open and willing heart to hear from God, it is very possible to hear from him.

  • Take it slow

Everything positive and impactful in life takes time to build. Don’t be discouraged on this journey, take it slow and be consistent. Many times a lot of us are distracted because we look at what others have built or how fast they’ve grown. It doesn’t work that way, take it one step at a time and you’ll be amazed by your success.

  • Meditate on what you’ve read

Meditating in the scriptures is very necessary. Meditation helps to digest the word of God over and over again. The words you meditate on tend to stick to your subconscious and it improves you. Never underestimate the power of meditation.

  • Take notes

There is a saying which goes “the dullest pencil is sharper than the sharpest brain”. Note-taking is very important and powerful. Notes can be very useful in the future in ways beyond our imagination. I remember when I was trying to conceive and life was looking bleak. I picked up one of my old notes where I had taken notes of God’s promise to give me children after marriage.

Reading that promise again after 3-5years gave me hope. It renewed my faith in God and it helped boost my faith. Notes come in handy in the future; write what he tells you without hesitation.

Take notes during bible study
Note taking is very important and essential. Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

  • Highlight scriptures that inspire you

Highlighting the scriptures is one of my favourite parts of studying the scripture. Highlighting the scripture makes it easy for me to find that passage whenever I need it in the future. I find it difficult to quote the chapter and verses of scripture; I usually remember only the book of the bible where the scripture can be found.

 Highlighting makes it easy for me to find the passage when I need it, especially when I’m praying and the passage comes to mind. Get your highlighter ready to colour those passages that inspire you.

  • Have a regular study time

Personal bible study should be treated like a date with God. Having regular time when you study the scriptures, helps to condition your mind and brain to maximize that time. I will advise you to study the bible during your quiet time when you are connected to God rather than at random times.

  • Be dynamic

Allow yourself to be creative, and try different methods of study that work for you. You can add using a daily devotional or audio bible to make studying more interesting and engaging.

  • Attend bible study with other believers

corporate bible study
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

No man is an island, we can learn from each other in ways beyond our reasoning. Attend regular bible study and fellowship with other believers. Listen to messages and preaching from preachers around the world. 

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

 In conclusion, determination and dedication help in growth. Never allow yourself to be discouraged or depressed. Consistently following these tips and doing what works for you will help you grow in ways beyond your imagination.

I wish you growth without borders.


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