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Christian Living and Discipleship Articles

What does the Bible Says About Courage?

Courage is choosing to trust God and move forward despite fear. The bible emphasizes that courage is an act of faith.

Christian Worship; 9 Ways to Worship God

Originally posted on November 15, 2022 @ 12:24 pm

Christian worship is not only singing an dancing. Ways to worship God 1. Loving Others 2. Love Yourself 3. Using our resources for his Glory…

The Judges of Israel

Originally posted on October 21, 2022 @ 10:46 am

The judges of Israel include; 1. Samson 2. Deborah 3. Shamgar 4. Elon ….. The roles of the judges of Israel was to lead the people and help them follow God.

15 Promises of God with bible verses

The “promises of God” refer to the assurances, commitments, and guarantees God has made to His people as recorded in the Bible. I rejuvenate and encourage myself is by reading the promises of God in the bible.

Praising God in Hard Times

Praising God in Hard Times

Are you going through difficult times? The article discusses the importance and benefits of praising God during challenging times, citing examples from the Bible. It suggests that such praise reaffirms our fidelity to God, reduces stress, and nourishes emotional resilience. Additionally, it discusses various coping strategies such as prayer, studying scriptures, singing hymns, keeping a gratitude journal, sharing with others, acts of service, and recalling past victories. The author also shares personal experiences of overcoming difficulty through faith.

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