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Originally posted on July 30, 2022 @ 12:34 pm

The Bible contains many characters that are important to us as believers. Some bible characters are known for their negative actions, while others are icons of excellence and good morals. King David is my favourite bible character. His life is an example of a man who God graced; he wasn’t perfect, which is why I love him the more. In this post, I’ll share lessons I learned from his life, weakness and strength. Let’s dig deeper.

David was a shepherd boy from the tribe of Judah. His mother was Nitzevet, while his father was Jesse and his grandfather was obed. David was a teenager when Samuel anointed him after Saul disappointed God. The story of David is written in the Bible from 1 Samuel Chapter 16 to 1 Kings Chapter 2.

David had a heart of service and worship that is commendable. He loved God and worshipped God with his whole heart. Though he wasn’t raised in a poor family, he understood that wealth and fame are privileges given by God.

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David’s Strength

King David’s strength lies in his humility and kindness. He was kind-hearted, and he humbled himself before God and his people. He was a leader who loved to do things that made life easy for his followers. He was never afraid to seek God’s face before making decisions.

Here are 10 qualities of King David

  • Courageous: David fearlessly faced Goliath, the Philistine giant, displaying immense bravery.
  • Faithful: He had a deep faith in God, often seeking guidance and strength through prayer and worship.
  • Compassionate: David showed compassion, even to his enemies, such as Saul and Absalom, displaying forgiveness and empathy.
  • Talented Musician: He was known for his musical talents, playing the harp skillfully, which brought comfort to King Saul.
  • Leadership: David exhibited strong leadership skills, uniting the tribes of Israel and establishing a powerful kingdom.
  • Repentant: Despite his flaws, David was genuinely repentant when he erred, as seen in his sincere remorse after his affair with Bathsheba.
  • Covenant Keeper: He honored his promises, showing loyalty to those he made agreements with, including Jonathan, Saul’s son.
  • Strategic Thinker: David was a strategic thinker, making calculated decisions that often secured victories in battles.
  • Poetic: He expressed his emotions and devotion to God through beautifully crafted Psalms, which continue to inspire and comfort many.
  • Humility: Despite his elevated status as king, David showed humility before God and acknowledged his reliance on divine guidance.

These qualities make David a multifaceted and admired figure in biblical history.

David’s Weakness

A colourful burst of King David
A colourful burst of King David. Photo by Olga Lioncat

David’s weakness became evident in his relationship with Bathsheba. He couldn’t control his urge to have sexual relations with her after he saw her bathing. It led him to commit murder. King David story in the bible is a reminder of the importance of self control. It highlights the fact that God sees every secret sin and judgement will be public.

Here are some of his weakness

  • Adultery: His affair with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, and the subsequent arrangement of Uriah’s death to cover it up, revealed his moral lapse.
  • Lack of Control Over His Family: David faced significant family turmoil, including the rebellion of his son Absalom, which led to a civil war.
  • Indecision: At times, David displayed indecisiveness, such as when he hesitated to deal decisively with his sons’ misconduct.
  • Overly Trusting: He sometimes placed trust in individuals who later betrayed him, like his counselor Ahithophel, who joined Absalom’s rebellion.
  • Passivity: David’s passivity in addressing certain issues, like the rape of his daughter Tamar by his son Amnon, led to further complications within his family.
  • Inconsistencies in Parenting: His leniency towards some of his children, coupled with favoritism, led to conflicts and issues among them.

David’s weaknesses, while significant, also serve as reminders that he’s human and the complexities of his character.

That is why it is essential to go on a journey of self-discovery to turn your weaknesses into strengths.

20 Important Events in King David’s life

There are events in king David’s life that stood out for me; these are events Christians can learn from without doubt. King David, is an iconic figure in biblical history. He is one of my favourite bible characters. His life includes moments of ups and downs; he faced many challenges and God gave him many victories. Here are 20 major life events of King David highlighted in the Bible.

David the Shepherd Boy (1 Samuel 16)

David grew up with his father Jesse; he was a shepherd who tended to his father’s flock without complaint. He spent his day with the herd, which was his preparation time. David took care of his father’s flock with his life. He was willing to die to protect the flock. He fought lions and bears to keep them safe and secured. What a shepherd!

Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Are all your sons here?” Jesse replied, “There is still one left, the youngest; he is tending the sheep.” Samuel said to Jesse, “Send word and bring him; because we will not sit down [to eat the sacrificial meal] until he comes here.” 1 Samuel 16:11

Anointed as King (1 Samuel 16:1-13)

King David’s journey started when he was anointed as king by Samuel the prophet, highlighting God’s choice and favour upon him. David rose from being a shepherd to the rank of King although the journey took a while he got to the position in his lifetime.

David Defeats Goliath (1 Samuel 17)

David was confident in God’s ability to protect him when he faced Goliath. His trust in God is unwavering and challenging. He trusted God to grant him victory and he experienced the power of God. Beyond a physical triumph, David’s victory over Goliath symbolized God’s strength and the potential of one’s faith to overcome difficult obstacles.

Friendship of David and Jonathan (1 samuel 15:1-3)

The friendship between Jonathan and David is very profound and noteworthy. Their friendship transcends societal norms, showcasing loyalty, mutual respect, and a deep spiritual connection. They both made a covenant to stand with each other and support each other. Their loyalty was tested; Jonathan respected their friendship even though it was a threat to his ascending the throne.

The love shared between David and Jonathan is beyond words. David was a competition which threatened Jonathan’s ability to become the next king, till His friendship with Jonathan was more potent than a brother’s bond.

When David had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was bonded to the soul of David, and [a]Jonathan loved him as himself. Saul took David that day and did not let him return to his father’s house. Then Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself.

1 Samuel 15:1-3

Sparing Saul’s life twice (1 Samuel 24&26)

Saul was after David’s life because Saul wanted to secure the throne of Israel for himself and his generation. Saul tried to kill David many times while David spared Saul’s life twice. This act amazes me and speaks volumes about David’s character.

11 Look, my father! Indeed, see the hem of your robe in my hand! Since I cut off the hem of your robe and did not kill you, know and understand [without question] that there is no evil or treason in my hands. I have not sinned against you, though you are lying in wait to take my life. 

1 Samuel 24:11

 But David said to Abishai, “Do not kill him, for who can put out his hand against the Lord’s anointed [king] and be guiltless (innocent)?” 10 David also said, “As the Lord lives, most certainly the Lord will strike him [in His own time and way], or his day will come and he will die, or he will go down into battle and be carried off [dead].

1 Samuel 26:9-10

David becomes the king of Judah (2 Samuel 2:1-7)

David’s initial rule in Hebron marked a vital phase in his kingship. It laid the groundwork for his eventual reign over a united Israel. His leadership in Judah affirmed his authority and paved the way for a unified kingdom of Israel which was a lasting legacy.

David Conquered Jerusalem (2 Samuel 5:6-10)

David’s strategic conquest of Jerusalem was a significant milestone; he transformed it into a political and spiritual centre of Israel. Designating Jerusalem as the capital showcased David’s vision and contributed to its prominence in Israel’s history.

Bringing the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:1-20)

David’s strong desire to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem showed his reverence for God’s presence among His people. He brought the Ark into Jerusalem with dancing and rejoicing, which showed David’s dedication to honouring God and glorifying his name.

God’s Covenant with David (2 Samuel 7)

God made a covenant with David, promising him an eternal throne. God’s covenant with David showed God’s favour and kindness towards David. This covenant is the reason why Jesus was born into the tribe of David, A Messiah was born into the tribe of Judah.

Adultery with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11)

A psalm of David after he committed adultery with Bathsheba. Psalm 51
A psalm of David after he committed adultery with Bathsheba. Psalm 51

The story of David and Bathsheba amazes me. Sometimes I wonder why David wasn’t on the battlefront like kings would. He decided to stay home when he should be on the battleground encouraging his troops.

 Then it happened in the spring, [a]at the time when the kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him, and all [the fighting men of] Israel, and they destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem.

2 Samuel 11:1-2

While walking around the palace roof, David saw a woman bathing, and he couldn’t get her off his mind, which made him commit adultery. When he found out Bathsheba was pregnant, he tried to push the pregnancy to her husband, but he failed.

David decided to send Uriah to the hottest part of the battle to get him killed, which he succeeded. A sin which grieved God and got David punished.

When Uriah’s wife [Bathsheba] heard that her husband Uriah was dead, she mourned for her husband. 27 And when the time of mourning was past, David sent word and had her brought to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing that David had done [with Bathsheba] was evil in the sight of the Lord.

2 Samuel 11: 26-27

The Power of discernment

Absalom’s Rebellion and Death (2 Samuel 18)

Absalom’s rebellion against his father was a time of political strife and turmoil in the life of David. His rebellion challenged David’s leadership and love as a father.

Despite the conflict, David was heartbroken about Absalom’s death. David’s grief at Absalom’s demise revealed a father’s unconditional love for his son, transcending the betrayal.

  Preparations for the Temple (1 Chronicles 22)

David desired to build a temple for God. He wanted a befitting place of worship for God, a place that was beautiful and radiated God’s glory. God didn’t allow David to build the temple for him but he permitted him to provide all that was needed to build the temple after his demise.

  David the Psalmist and Musician (Psalm 32)

David was a talented musician who played the harp skillfully. David’s musical and poetic talents were shown in the composition of numerous Psalms. His music expressed a range of emotions and spiritual depth. His Psalms remain a cornerstone of Christian worship.

David in Ziklag (1 Samuel 30)

This event is a good read whenever you need a bible verse to encourage and lift your spirit. David and his men lived in Ziklag; they went to a battle, and before they came back, the enemy had already captured all their wives and children, including their cattle. David and his men were devastated, and they all became sad, and his men even thought of stoning him.

David found strength in God and sought God’s face before deciding desperation. God told him to pursue the enemy, and he recovered all the enemy took from him.

David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech’s son, “Please bring me the ephod.” So Abiathar brought him the ephod. David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this band [of raiders]? Will I overtake them?” And He answered him, “Pursue, for you will certainly overtake them, and you will certainly rescue [the captives].”

1 Samuel 30: 7-8

David’s military prowess and strategic conquests expanded Israel’s territory and secured its borders. He conquered many territories which cemented his rule and established his reign in Israel.

David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9:2)

After the death of Jonathan, David adopted the only child left in Saul’s family, who was Mephibosheth Jonathan’s Son. He took care of him and gave him the status of a prince.

 And David said, “Is there still anyone left of the house (family) of Saul to whom I may show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?”

2 Samuel 9:1

  Defeating the Ammonites (2 Samuel 10-12)

David fought war with the ammonites and he won the battle. His victory over the ammonites shows his prowess and secured his rule in Israel.

  Famine and Seeking God’s Guidance (2 Samuel 21)

During David’s reign, a severe famine struck the land, prompting David’s quest to seek divine guidance and understanding. In response to the famine, David sought God’s wisdom, illustrating his reliance on divine direction in times of crisis.

  David’s Legacy and Succession (2 Samuel 21, 1 Kings 2)

David’s preparation and anointing of Solomon as his successor secured a smooth transition of power. David’s leadership laid the foundation for a prosperous reign, leaving a legacy of strength, unity, and spiritual devotion.

Last Words of King David (2 Samuel 23:1-7)

David’s parting words conveyed wisdom, guidance, and instructions for his successors and the future of Israel. His final counsel held profound insights, offering principles for governance, leadership, and reverence for God.

  Death and Burial (1 Chronicles 29:26-30)

The passing of King David marked the end of an era, symbolizing the end of a life filled with grace and success. The nation mourned the loss of a beloved leader, honouring him in death as in life, and recognising his contributions.

His legacy lives on as an embodiment of faith, repentance, leadership, and devotion to God, impacting generations to come.

King David’s life, rife with triumphs and challenges, epitomizes a tale of human frailty and divine intervention. His reign continues to serve as a beacon of inspiration, offering timeless lessons in faith, leadership, and the unwavering pursuit of God’s heart.

Lessons from King David

A psalm of David; The Lord is my Shepherd. Psalm 23
A psalm of David; The Lord is my Shepherd. Psalm 23

Preparation and opportunity yield a great result. God prepared David to kill Goliath. Still, his ability to obey his parent without grumbling allowed him to become the giant slayer.

  • Waiting on God pays: David waited on God to bring his word to pass. He didn’t try to do things on his own.
  • God truly sees the heart of men.
  • God’s love and forgiveness don’t shield us from the consequences of our actions. God forgave David for his sin against Uriah, but he faced the results of his action.
  • God rewards faithfulness
  • Fear of God and willingness to obey God bring victory
  • David was a man who never forgot God even after he had everything. Hence, his everlasting dynasty.
  • Loyalty to friendships and commitments.
  • He respected the anointed of God

King David in the bible: lesson, weakness, strengths and important events in his life
8 Lessons from King David in the Bible 5

King David from the Bible is a strong bible character; his love for God inspires me. What lessons did you learn from his story? Kindly share in the comments below.

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