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Hospital Delivery Bag in Nigeria

Originally posted on September 30, 2021 @ 4:03 pm

When the time comes to welcome a new member into your family, the anticipation and excitement can be overwhelming. During these moments, having a well-prepared hospital delivery bag becomes not just a convenience, but a necessity. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the essential items to include in your hospital delivery bag, ensuring that both you and your new-born are well taken care of during your hospital stay.

Packing the hospital bag can be a little overwhelming, especially for first-time moms. While I was pregnant with my first daughter, I did not know what to pack in my delivery bag, I turned to Google and most of the information was for moms outside Nigeria. After my first baby, I wrote a blog post about this topic. I have updated this post after having three babies and trying both private and public hospitals. I have also had one C-section and two vaginal births.

Why is it necessary to pack a delivery bag?

The importance of a well-packed delivery bag cannot be overemphasized. Here are some of the reasons you should pack a complete hospital delivery bag:

  • A well-prepared hospital delivery bag can make your stay at the hospital more comfortable and convenient.
  • It ensures you have everything you need during labour and postpartum recovery, reducing stress and allowing you to focus on the most important thing – welcoming your new baby.
  • It is also vital for you to pack a complete bag to prevent exploitation; some vendors exploit moms-to-be when they discover you need an item urgently.

When and how should I pack my delivery bag?

Packing your hospital delivery bag well in advance is crucial. By the time you’re in labour, you’ll want everything ready, so you can simply grab your bag and go.

Packing your bags may seem impossible, but it is an easy task. I usually advise that you start packing your bag in the 7th month of pregnancy. You can create a checklist of the things you want to take along and tick them as you put them in the bag. I usually advise moms-to-be to get two bags, one for the baby and the other for you.

What to Consider When Choosing the Right Bag

Selecting the right bag for your hospital delivery essentials is a crucial decision. You’ll want something that is not only practical but also easy to carry. Choose a bag that will contain all the essentials at a go, this will prevent forgetting anything important.

Hospital delivery Bag Checklist
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

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Hospital Delivery Bag Checklist for Mother

 Clothing and Comfort

1. Comfortable Nightgowns and pyjamas: During labour and recovery, you’ll want to be as comfortable as possible. Soft, loose-fitting nightgowns and pyjamas are a must.

2. Warm, Non-Slip Socks: Hospitals can be chilly, and you may want to walk around during labour. Pack warm, non-slip socks for comfort and safety.

3. Comfortable, Loose-Fitting Robe: A robe is handy for covering up and staying warm during your hospital stay. Don’t forget to pack something nice as your going-home outfit.

4. Pants (7 sets): Some women prefer disposable pants; make sure you take what works for you. If you’re going for a caesarean section, buy pants that have free bands.

5. Bra (at least 4 sets): Select a good quality maternity bra, and keep in mind that your breast becomes bigger during breastfeeding. You can also get breast pads to prevent your bra from getting soaked with breast milk.

Personal Care

1. Toiletries (Toothbrush, bathing towel, Toothpaste, bathing soap, tissue paper and more): Pack your favourite toiletries to freshen up during your stay. Don’t forget any other personal care items you prefer.

2. Hair Ties or Headbands: Keeping your hair out of the way during labour is important. You can also wear a hair bonnet if you prefer.

3. Body Lotion: Hospitals can be dry environments. Lip balm and lotion will help you stay comfortable.

4. Personal Hygiene Products: Ensure you have your preferred personal hygiene products, such as menstrual pads or other items specific to your needs.

I usually use sanitary towels for about 1 week postpartum. I prefer using sanitary pads because they are more comfortable and I don’t have to worry about soiling my clothes. When I stop bleeding and it’s only the yellow/white body fluids, I change to pant liners for comfort. You can pack about 4packs of sanitary towels.

5. Water flask for storing hot water. From my experience, drinking warm water eases post-delivery cramps and hard stool. It will also come in handy if you want to bottle-feed your baby. Don’t forget to pack a cup and spoon too.

6. Something to eat: Consider including snacks that can help to reduce constipation or loosen your stool. These include oats, biscuits with high fibre, etc. Do not forget to pack Beverages and sugar/honey; they sure come in handy.

7. Mobile Phone and Charger: Your mobile phone is not only for staying connected but can also serve as an entertainment source during downtime.

Entertainment and Distraction

1. Books or Magazines: Having some reading material can be a great way to pass the time during early labour or while waiting.

2. Music and Earphones: Create a calming playlist to help you relax and distract from any discomfort.

3. Puzzle Books or Games: For mental diversion, bring along puzzle books or games you enjoy.

Other Hospital Essentials

1. Surgical gloves (4pcs)

2. Elbow length Gloves (1)

3. 4 yards Mackintosh

4. 1 pack of nightingale or underlay mat

5. 2 yards of white china fabric

6. 1 pack of latex gloves

7. 800g or 1kg detergent

Hospital delivery Bag for the New-born

hospital delivery bag checklist in Nigeria.
Photo by The Nix Company on Unsplash


1. Baby Clothes (4 sets): A mum going for a caesarean section can take an extra two sets. When buying your baby clothes, buy different sizes. Sometimes your baby may be more plum than you thought. Tall babies may have longer legs than your imagination. They should be comfortable and easy to put on.

2. Baby Socks and Mittens: Keep your baby’s tiny feet and hands warm and protected with socks and mittens.

3. Cap and Blanket: A soft hat and a cosy blanket are essential for keeping your baby warm and comfortable.


1. Disposable or Cloth Diapers: Based on your preference, pack enough disposable or cloth diapers to last your hospital stay.

2. Baby Wipes: Baby wipes are essential for quick and gentle cleaning.

3. Diaper Rash Cream: Just in case, it’s wise to have diaper rash cream on hand.


1. Baby Formula (if not breastfeeding): If you’re not breastfeeding, pack the baby formula you plan to use.

2. Bottles and Nipples: Ensure you have bottles and nipples ready for feeding. Some hospitals do not support using bottles. I remember we used a syringe to feed my first daughter before I changed to breastfeeding her.

3. Burp Cloths: Keep burp cloths handy for the inevitable post-feeding messes.


1. Swaddle Blankets: Swaddle blankets can help your baby feel secure and comfortable.

2. Pacifiers: If you plan to use pacifiers, pack a few.

3. Baby Comfort Toy: Bring a small, comforting toy for your new-born.

Hospital essentials

  • Mucus Extractor
  • Cord clamp
  • Cotton Wool
  • Methylated Spirit
  • Spoon and Cup
  • Baby Body Cream (I usually use Shea butter for my children)
  • Baby sponge
  • Baby Soap
  • Baby oil (during my last birth, the hospital recommended coconut oil)
  • Soft Towel
  • Disinfectant
  • Bleach: Jik or Hypo

Personal Touches

1. Camera or Video Recorder: Capture the special moments by having a camera or video recorder on hand.

2. Comforting Items from Home: A small reminder of home, like a favourite pillow or blanket, can provide comfort during your hospital stay.

Preparing for the Unexpected

1. Spare Change and Cash: Keep some spare change and cash in case you need it.

2. Car Seat for the Ride Home: A properly installed car seat is important if you have a car.

 Final thoughts

The list may vary from hospital to hospital but I believe you shouldn’t need more than what is listed here.

I know you are overjoyed to welcome your baby; don’t overlook the importance of a well-packed hospital delivery bag. A thoughtfully prepared bag can make your stay at the hospital more comfortable and provide peace of mind knowing that you have everything you need for both you and your new-born.

 As you embark on this incredible journey of welcoming a new life, may your hospital delivery bag be your reliable companion, offering reassurance and anticipation for the moments ahead. I believe you will bring home a healthy and blessed baby.

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