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Originally posted on June 1, 2023 @ 2:14 pm

The Bible contains many great and beautiful names. Both the New and Old Testaments contain names that bear account of the personality of the child. In this part of the world, people usually give their children Bible names, and sometimes it can be difficult to choose the perfect name for your child. In this articles, discover Powerful and Strong Biblical Boy Names with their meanings and biblical references. Bestow Your Little Warrior with a Name that Reflects their Strength and Courage.

Significance of Name

 “This is my covenant with you: I will make you the father of a multitude of nations! What’s more, I am changing your name. It will no longer be Abram. Instead, you will be called Abraham,[a] for you will be the father of many nations. I will make you extremely fruitful. Your descendants will become many nations, and kings will be among them!

Genesis 17:4-6

  • Names are prophecies: I believe the name of a child is a prophecy. It’s like saying, I like this name, and I want you to be like this person. 
  • Names are identity: The name of a child shows his identity and gives a sense of belonging to a particular group of people.
  • Names remind us of who we are: in my culture, we believe it is important to preserve the good name of a family. I remember my parents used to tell us while growing up that we shouldn’t do anything to destroy the family’s name.

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Boy Names in the Bible in Alphabetical Order

Here’s a list of 100 boy names from the Bible, along with their meanings and corresponding Bible references:

Biblical Boy Names Starting with A

Aaron – Meaning “exalted” or “mountain of strength” – Exodus 4:14

Abel – Meaning “breath” or “vapor” – Genesis 4:2

Abelard – Meaning “noble strength” – Not directly in the Bible

Abraham – Meaning “father of a Nations” – Genesis 17:5

Adam – Meaning “man” or “earth” – Genesis 2:7

Amaziah – Meaning “strength of Yahweh” – 2 Kings 12:21

Amos – Meaning “burden” or “burden-bearer” – Amos 1:1

Andrew – Meaning “manly” or “brave” – Matthew 4:18

Asher – Meaning “happy” or “blessed” – Genesis 30:13

Biblical Boy Names Starting with B

Barak – Meaning “lightning” – Judges 4:6

Bartholomew – Meaning “son of Talmai” – Matthew 10:3

Benjamin – Meaning “son of the right hand” – Genesis 35:18

Boaz – Meaning “strength” or “swiftness” – Ruth 2:1

Biblical Boy Names Starting with C

Caleb – Meaning “dog” or “bold” – Numbers 13:6

Cornelius – Meaning “horn” or “warrior” – Acts 10:1

Cyrus – Meaning “possessing as young” – Isaiah 44:28

Biblical Boy Names Starting with D

Daniel – Meaning “God is my judge” – Daniel 1:6

Darius – Meaning “to possess” or “upholder” – Daniel 6:1

David – Meaning “beloved” or “dear” – 1 Samuel 16:13

“This is my covenant with you Genesis 17
100 Unique Biblical Boy Names 2

Biblical Boy Names Starting with E

Ebenezer – Meaning “stone of help; thus far God has helped us” – 1 Samuel 7:12

Eleazar – Meaning “God has helped” – Exodus 6:23

Elijah – Meaning “my God is Yahweh” – 1 Kings 17:1

Elisha – Meaning “God is salvation” – 2 Kings 2:14

Enoch – Meaning “dedicated” or “disciplined” – Genesis 5:18

Ephraim – Meaning “fruitful” or “double prosperity” – Genesis 41:52

Ezekiel – Meaning “God strengthens” – Ezekiel 1:3

Ezra – Meaning “help” or “helper” – Ezra 7:1

Ethan – Meaning “firm” or “strong” – 1 Kings 4:31

Biblical Boy Names Starting with F

Felix – Meaning “fortunate” or “happy” – Acts 24:24

Festus – Meaning “festive” or “joyful” – Acts 24:27

Biblical Boy Names Starting with G

Gabriel – Meaning “God is my strength” – Luke 1:19

Gamaliel – Meaning “God is my reward” – Acts 5:34

Gideon – Meaning “destroyer” or “mighty warrior” – Judges 6:11

Biblical Boy Names Starting with H

Hananiah – Meaning “Yahweh is gracious” – Daniel 1:6

Hezekiah – Meaning “Yahweh strengthens” -2 Kings 18:2

Hosea – Meaning “salvation” – Hosea 1:1

Biblical Boy Names Starting with I

Isaac – Meaning “laughter” – Genesis 17:19

Isaiah – Meaning “Yahweh is salvation” – Isaiah 1:1

Ishmael – Meaning “God hears” – Genesis 16:11

Biblical Boy Names Starting with J

Jabez – Meaning “he makes sorrowful” – 1 Chronicles 4:9

Jacob – Meaning “sup planter” or “holder of the heel” – Genesis 25:26

Jairus – Meaning “he enlightens” – Mark 5:22

James – Meaning “supplanter” or “one who follows” – Matthew 4:21

Jeremiah – Meaning “Yahweh will exalt” – Jeremiah 1:1

Jethro – Meaning “excellence” or “preeminence” – Exodus 3:1

Jesus – Meaning “Yahweh saves” – Matthew 1:21

Job – Meaning “persecuted” or “hated” – Job 1:1

Joel – Meaning “Yahweh is God” – Joel 1:1

John – Meaning “Yahweh is gracious” – Luke 1:13

Jonah – Meaning “dove” – Jonah 1:1

Jonathan – Meaning “Yahweh has given” – 1 Samuel 14:6

Joseph – Meaning “God will add” – Genesis 30:24

Joshua – Meaning “Yahweh is salvation” – Numbers 13:8

Josiah – Meaning “Yahweh supports” – 2 Kings 22:1

Judah – Meaning “praise” or “celebrated” – Genesis 29:35

Biblical Boy Names Starting with L

Lazarus – Meaning “God has helped” – Luke 16:20

Levi – Meaning “attached” or “joined” – Genesis 29:34

Leviathan – Meaning “twisted” or “coiled” – Job 41:1

Luke – Meaning “from Lucania” – Colossians 4:14

Biblical Boy Names Starting with M

Malachi – Meaning “my messenger” or “my angel” – Malachi 1:1

Mark – Meaning “polite” or “shining” – Acts 12:12

Matthew – Meaning “gift of Yahweh” – Matthew 9:9

Matthias – Meaning “gift of Yahweh” – Acts 1:23

Melchizedek – Meaning “king of righteousness” – Genesis 14:18

Micah – Meaning “who is like Yahweh?” – Micah 1:1

Mordecai – Meaning “devotee of Mars” – Esther 2:5

Moses – Meaning “drawn out” or “taken from the water” – Exodus 2:10

Biblical Boy Names Starting with N

Nahum – Meaning “comfort” or “consolation” – Nahum 1:1

Nathan – Meaning “he gave” or “gift of God” – 2 Samuel 5:14

Nathaniel – Meaning “gift of God” – John 1:45

Nehemiah – Meaning “Yahweh comforts” – Nehemiah 1:1

Noah – Meaning “rest” or “comfort” – Genesis 5:29

Biblical Boy Names Starting with O

Obadiah – Meaning “servant of Yahweh” – Obadiah 1:1

Obed – Meaning “servant” or “worshipper” – Ruth 4:17

Omri – Meaning “sheaf of grain” – 1 Kings 16:16

Biblical Boy Names Starting with P

Paul – Meaning “small” or “humble” – Acts 13:9

Peter – Meaning “rock” – Matthew 16:18

Philip – Meaning “lover of horses” – John 1:43

Phinehas – Meaning “Nubian” or “serpent’s mouth” – Exodus 6:25

Biblical Boy Names Starting with R

Reuben – Meaning “behold, a son” – Genesis 29:32

Reuel – Meaning “friend of God” – Exodus 2:18

Rufus – Meaning “red-haired” or “red-complexioned” – Romans 16:13

Biblical Boy Names Starting with S

Samson – Meaning “sun” or “service” – Judges 13:24

Samuel – Meaning “heard by God” or “asked of God” – 1 Samuel 1:20

Seth – Meaning “appointed” or “substitute” – Genesis 4:25

Silas – Meaning “asked for” or “woodland” – Acts 15:22

Simeon – Meaning “one who hears” – Genesis 29:33

Solomon – Meaning “peaceful” or “peace” – 2 Samuel 12:24

Stephen – Meaning “crown” or “garland” – Acts 6:5

Biblical Boy Names Starting with T

Thaddeus – Meaning “courageous heart” – Mark 3:18

Thomas – Meaning “twin” – John 11:16

Timothy – Meaning “honoring God” – Acts 16:1

Titus – Meaning “honorable” or “noble” – Titus 1:4

Biblical Boy Names Starting with U

Uriah – Meaning “Yahweh is my light” – 2 Samuel 11:3

Uriel – Meaning “God is my light” – 1 Chronicles 6:24

Biblical Boy Names Starting with Z

Zachariah – Meaning “Yahweh remembers” – Luke 1:5

Zacchaeus – Meaning “pure or innocent” – Luke 19:2

Please note that some names, such as Abelard and Rufus, are not directly mentioned in the Bible but have biblical associations or are derived from biblical names.

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