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The Gift of Faith

Originally posted on April 26, 2023 @ 1:43 am

Christianity, referred to as “the Christian faith”, shows our religion is based on our faith in Christ. According to Hebrews 11:1, faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Faith is seeing a miracle as a miracle even before it manifests physically. It is the bedrock of our salvation.

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].

Hebrews 11:1 AMP

In this article, we’ll explore the meaning of the gift of faith, its benefits, evidence and how to activate it. I pray this blesses you.

What is the Spiritual Gift of Faith? 

The spiritual gift of faith is the supernatural ability to have complete confidence in God’s power to perform a miracle or do something that seems impossible; this kind of faith is a gift from God. It is moving step forward from believing in God for ordinary things.

The Spiritual Gifts of healing

The Gift of Discernment

Gift of Working of miracles

Gift of diverse kinds of tongue

Categories of Faith

Faith can be divided into different categories or measures of faith:

  • Saving Faith (Romans 3:23-24)

Saving faith is our faith in God that made us surrender our lives to him. Faith saved us from darkness and brought us into the light of Christ. Saving faith is the fundamental faith common to every believer.

  • Little Faith (Mathew14:31)

Little faith is the kind of faith where one believes in God but has doubt and fear. The good thing about people with little faith is; they remember to call on God for help, showing they still have confidence in him.

  • Great faith (Luke 7:9)

Having great faith means to believe God in total confidence. It acknowledges that God can do anything and everything, even what seems impossible.

  • Full of faith (Acts 6:5-8)

A believer is full of faith when they confidently walk in the miraculous. 

Characteristics of Faith

  • Faith keeps us steadfast and strong in God. It is like an anchor that keeps a ship grounded and prevents it from drifting away. (Hebrew 4:14)
  • Faith helps us to please God ( Hebrew 11:6)
  • Faith substantiates our hope. We can liken it to creating something from one’s imagination. (Hebrew 11:1)

The function of the Gift of Faith

  • It is for the edification of the church.
  • It showcases the power of God.
  • It makes the impossible to become possible.
  • It brings us close to the Father.

Biblical Examples of Faith

There are many examples in the bible where the gift of faith unlocked the miraculous. These instances are proof that our faith can yield results.

  • Elisha asked for a double portion of Elisha’s anointing.

Elisha was a man who was full of faith and believed in God. He left everything he had to follow Elijah to serve God. He went further by asking Elijah for a double portion of his anointing which was very difficult. His faith was justified when he received a double portion of this anointing.

  • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3:14-18)

The faith displayed by these trio is what I call ‘the die-hard faith’. When the king created an image of himself so the people could worship him, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego decided not to worship any god or man like the scriptures commanded. 

They were willing to die for the sake of what they believed. They are a perfect example for us in this end time; we should be ready to bear the torch and shine the light wherever we go.

  • Jesus

Jesus exercised the gift of faith when he raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus emphasized the importance of believing in seeing the glory of God. He believed God and called Lazarus out from the grave after four days!

Evidence of the Gift of Faith

  • Courage: The gift of faith brings courage. The bible recorded that Peter was afraid to identify with Jesus. He denied Christ three times in one night(John 18:25-27), but after he received the gift of faith, he became bold, and his faith brought healing. (Acts 3:1-10).

  • Confidence in God: Faith brings confidence in God. A kind of confidence that is rooted in what God can do and doesn’t waiver.

  • Miracles; wherever faith is, miracles, signs, and wonders also reside. God responds to our faith, like in the case of the Canaanite woman who came to Jesus. Her faith provoked Jesus to perform a miracle. (Mark 7:24-30)

  • Salvation and supernatural encounters: Faith brings salvation; people believe when seeing signs and wonders. (Acts 9:32-35)

How to activate the gift of faith

  • Regular fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit is vital to activate the gift of faith. The more time you spend with him, the more your faith is enabled. (1 Corinthians 12:11)
  • Regularly exercise your faith. The more you exercise your faith, the more you grow in faith.
  • Praying in tongues: praying in tongues build our most holy faith.
  • Humility: God loves the humble, and only humble people can receive gifts from him.
  • Service: God only gives his gift to people willing to serve him and use the gift for his glory.

the spiritual gift of faith
The Gift of Faith 2

In Conclusion, faith is an essential aspect of our Christianity. Also, the gift of faith activates other gifts and brings about the impossible. Jesus has promised us that we will do more wondrous works than he did. We can only do more wondrous works when we have faith in him. Continually trust God, spend time with him and serve him wholeheartedly, and you will receive this spiritual gift of faith.

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