Originally posted on June 23, 2022 @ 4:20 pm
Waiting on God’s timing can be challenging, especially in a world that prioritises immediate and quick results. However, for Christians, waiting on God’s timing is fundamental to our faith. God is interested in every aspect of our lives and wants us to wait for him and follow his guide. Waiting on God may be tiring, but God’s time is perfect. This article will explore the meaning of waiting on God’s timing and why we need to wait on God.
In this article
What does God’s timing mean?
God’s timing refers to when God wants an event to happen. It is the belief that God orchestrates events in our lives according to His plan and schedule. God’s perspective is eternal and all-knowing; he sees beyond human understanding. We are limited to what we see or hear.
What does it mean to wait on God’s timing?
Waiting on God’s timing means waiting for the appointed time planned by God for an event to happen. It may also mean patiently waiting until God is willing to move for our sake. When you wait on God’s timing, you are telling God that;
- I trust you
- I believe your word
- I know you will come through for me
- I accept your plans for my life
- You are my Lord
Why is it important to wait on God’s timing?
I remember when I needed explicit instruction on the path I should follow when I needed an internship placement. Most of my friends secured a placement before the internship, and I was depressed and sad. One day, I went to an industrial area to submit my application to companies. I went from one door to the other that day, and all the companies rejected me. It was a painful experience.
My internship placement came without having to apply. Someone recommended me to the company, and I was asked to start immediately. My experience in the company was fantastic, and I learned a lot. I was paid for the internship duration, while some friends who started early weren’t paid, nor did they enjoy their stay.
The story emphasises the importance of waiting on God for the perfect opportunity, time or promotion. Our inability to trust God often leads to depression and obsession, which is very harmful. There are several reasons why we should wait on God, and I’ll mention but a few:
- Waiting on God’s timing brings peace beyond human understanding. Trusting God’s timing alleviates anxiety and worry. It provides peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:6-7). Learning to wait helps cultivate a spirit of contentment, knowing God’s provision and timing are perfect. This kind of peace is one that money cannot buy.
- God’s timing is perfect: He never fails and gives us the best in due season. One of the greatest lessons I have learned is to wait for God’s perfect time. He is always right on time.
- Waiting helps build capacity: When we often stay on God for a miracle, we are usually too disturbed to see that he is building us. Waiting on the lord helps us improve, fall in line, and develop the capacity to handle the awaiting blessings. Sometimes, delays are intentional and designed to bring about the best possible outcome or to prepare us for what lies ahead.
- We learn patience: the story of the prodigal son speaks about the importance of patience. The son wanted his inheritance, and his father allowed him to have his way. He squandered the money because he had yet to learn the lesson of patience and waiting. Patience is necessary to help us make better and more informed decisions in life.
- We grow spiritually when we wait on God. I have learnt from experience that waiting helps us grow spiritually by building our spiritual capacity. The period of waiting builds our faith and helps us develop the fruit of the spirit. Trusting in God’s timing enhances our faith and reliance on Him, knowing His ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9).
- The waiting period is a time of preparation and refinement. Waiting periods are often a time of building capacity. God works in us, helping us build resilience, character, and skills needed for future assignments. We are refined like fire, and God is pruning us so we can come out pure and clean (James 1:2-4).
- Waiting on God’s timing helps us to avoid mistakes that can destroy our future. The ability to patiently wait before making decisions helps in preventing disasters. When we stay in God before making life decisions, we can avoid hasty actions that can destroy our future. Waiting allows time for better discernment and wisdom to make decisions that honour God and lead to the best outcomes.
- Waiting helps us receive the best from God. God desires to give us good and perfect gifts (James 1:17). Waiting ensures we receive His best rather than settling for less. God’s promises are accurate and trustworthy; he will never fail or repent of his words. Waiting on His timing ensures that we experience the fullness of His promises (Psalm 27:14).
- We become a testimony of God’s faithfulness when we wait on God. The Bible says that we are an epistle read by others (2 Corinthians 3:2-3). Demonstrating patience and trust in God’s timing can be a powerful testimony to others. Our experiences of waiting and God’s fulfilment of his promises can encourage and inspire others to also trust in Him.
Waiting on God as believers is having faith and trusting God to fulfil his promises. Waiting on God can also mean believing God for a miracle or a word. The period of waiting on the lord is like a grooming and forming period where we learn to have faith in God. Waiting is usually challenging and palatable. Human nature doesn’t want to wait for anything. We want to get what we want when we want it and how we like it. Waiting on God helps us to train human nature and focus on God.
Benefits of Waiting on God Timing
1. Spiritual Growth and Maturity
2. Strengthened Faith
3. Protection from Harm
4. Receiving God’s Best
5. Peace and Contentment
6. Preparation and Readiness
7. Deeper Relationship with God
8. Witness to Others
9. Alignment with God’s Will
10. Eternal and Heavenly conscious
How to wait on the lord
1. Stand firm
God wants us to stand firm and unwavering in our waiting. Sincerely, it is always challenging to wait for anything. Standing firm in God and his principles makes it easier to stay on God for whatever we trust him for at that moment. Our faith and confidence in God are essential to unlock our blessings.
Patience is crucial in waiting for God’s timing. Practice patience by reminding yourself that God’s timing is perfect and that delays often have a purpose for your growth and preparation. Remind yourself of the promises God has made in the Bible. Trust that He is faithful in fulfilling His word, even if it takes longer than you expect.
2. Trust God
In times of pain and waiting, it is easy to question God or lose faith in God. Life challenges and needs make it difficult to focus on God or keep trusting him. Trusting God and having complete confidence in God makes it easy to wait on the lord and overcome.
3. Gratitude
Gratitude is an essential attribute for every believer. When we understand that God deserves praise for the battles he has won before, we find it easy to praise and appreciate him for the things he will do. A grateful heart never becomes weary or tired. Gratitude opens us up to receive more blessings and provisions from God.
Worship through songs, hymns, and praise acknowledges God’s greatness and reminds you of His power and love. Worship shifts your focus from your circumstances to God’s sovereignty.
4. Prayer
A Yoruba proverb says, “Prayer is the walking stick of a Christian”. This adage means a Christian is like a blind man who cannot see but finds his way through prayer. Prayer helps him to navigate the darkness and uncertainty of the world. I believe prayer is pouring your heart to God like a friend. It relieves the tensions, and it provides answers.
Regular communication with God through prayer keeps your focus on Him and allows you to seek His guidance and express your concerns and hopes. Prayer helps cultivate a deeper relationship with God and reinforces your trust in His timing.
5. Study the Bible Regularly
The Bible is a complete book that contains knowledge and insight for all challenges and experiences. Reading and meditating on the Bible provides wisdom, comfort, and insight into God’s wisdom and promises. It helps you understand His ways and strengthens your faith as you wait.
6. Regular Quiet Time
Quiet time is vital for every believer. This period helps to relieve tension by assisting us in soaking in words from God’s throne. The benefit of having regular and quality quiet time is immense. I find it easier to navigate life challenges when I’m in close contact with God. I’m able to cope with the pain and also understand the mind of God.
7. Counselling or Join a Support Group
When we wait alone, it can sometimes be tough and lonely. Receiving help from a trusted Christian counsellor helps keep the mind refreshed and reassured of God’s promises. You can also join a Christian support group where people who have experienced similar challenges encourage each other.
Surrounding yourself with mature Christians who can provide godly advice and encouragement helps you stay grounded and receive support during your waiting period.
8. Be Obedient to God’s instruction and guidance
While waiting on Go’s timing, we must be willing to be obedient and sensitive to God’s instruction. Stay obedient to God’s teachings and commandments. Obedience during waiting demonstrates your faithfulness and commitment to His will.
9. Serve Others
Serving others can be a productive and fulfilling way to wait. It shifts your focus from your situation to the needs of others. Jesus demonstrated service by washing the disciples’ feet in his anguish.
10. Confess the promises of God
Confessing the promises of God daily can help us cope while waiting. When we confess the scripture, we boost our faith, igniting a fire in our hearts.
Differences between Delay and Waiting on God’s Timing
Often, believers mistake delay for a period of waiting on God. The story of Daniel and the Prince of Persia is a clear example of what delay is. Daniel was busy praying and seeking the face of God. He didn’t realise his prayers were answered, but a demon delayed his reply.
Understanding the differences between delay and waiting on God’s timing can help us navigate our spiritual journey more clearly and patiently. Here are the key distinctions:
1. Delay often comes from obstacles or hindrances caused by various factors such as human error, unforeseen circumstances, or spiritual opposition while waiting on God’s Timing, which is rooted in divine wisdom. God’s timing is purposeful and intentional. It is part of God’s sovereign plan and is designed for our ultimate good.
2. Delays are harmful; delays can lead to frustration, impatience, and doubt. It is a setback or a hindrance to progress while God’s Timing is Perceived with faith and trust. Waiting on God’s timing fosters patience, hope, and assurance. It is seen as an opportunity for growth and alignment with God’s will.
3. The outcome of a delay can be uncertain and may lead to missed opportunities or unmet expectations. God’s timing is purposeful, and God’s timing is aligned with His perfect plan for our lives. The outcome ultimately benefits, leading to growth, fulfilment, and the realisation of God’s promises.
4. Delay can lead to negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, and discouragement. It may weaken faith and create spiritual struggles. God’s Timing encourages positive emotions such as peace, joy, and contentment. It strengthens faith and fosters spiritual growth and maturity.
Final Thought
The waiting period is a process, a wilderness experience that improves us. We must never forget that God’s timing is perfect, God’s timing is the best, and we have a glorious future when we wait on God.