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Originally posted on June 8, 2023 @ 11:07 am


I have this feeling of worry and excitement every time I think about my children’s future. I want the best for them, and the things happening around them sometimes scare us. Many times when I am afraid and lost in thoughts, I find solace in praying daily over my children. In this guide, I have created a thirty days prayer plan that can serve as a guide to pray for your children. These prayers include prayers of protection, deliverance, direction, success and blessing for your children. I have also added prayers for their future spouse to the list. Before we go into the prayers, what are the benefits of praying over your children?

Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at every street corner.

Lamentations 2:19

Why should I Pray over my Children Daily?

  • Praying for your children daily shows that you trust God and you’re willing to allow God direct the course of their life.
  • It relieves stress and constant fear of the future.
  • Prayers helps God to keep working in the life of your children
  • It reveals God’s plan for your children to you.
  • Praying daily for them helps God to work on you; giving you direction on how best to raise them.
  • Prayers are seeds sown into their future

More Prayer guide

Daily Prayers for your Husband

Daily Prayers for your Wife

Daily Prayers in Pregnancy

Daily Prayers over your children

  1. Lord, thank you for blessing me with beautiful, kind and precious treasures of your kingdom. Thank you for making me a steward of your precious gems.
  2. Grant them wisdom, faith and discernment in all their endeavours.
  3. Father, may they always be attracted to godly relationships; friends, role models, mentors and colleagues
  4. May they be children of faith, filled with Your Spirit and love for You all the days of their lives.
  5. Lord, help them to enjoy Good health and healing all the days of their lives.
  6. Grant them success in all their endeavours and the courage to face any challenge that comes their way.
  7. Father help them to always be clean and grace them to take proper care of themselves.
  8. Help me to grow in wisdom and understanding needed to nurture them properly.
  9. Protect them from all harm and danger, and keep them safe in Your arms.
  10. Bless them with strong and meaningful relationships with family and friends.
  11. Give them a heart for serving others and making a difference in the world.
  12. Father, I pray that you will break every family bondage and generational curses
  13. Lord help them to avoid addictions, alcohol, drugs, and other forms of addiction and selfish desires.
  14. Help them to forgive and show mercy to those who have wronged them.
  15. Bless them with hearts that are humble and willing to learn from others.
  16. Father, I pray for their future spouse (or spouse); may they find the perfect spouse. They will not marry the wrong person.
  17. May they be blessed with a loving and supportive community of believers.
  18. Grant them hearts of gratitude and thankfulness for all Your blessings.
  19. Help them to prioritize their relationship with You above all else.
  20. Help them to develop the right characters that will help them to be their best self.
  21. Lord, help them to discover your purpose for their lives and help them to live along the path you have created for them.
  22. Help them to love and cherish the people in their lives, especially their future spouse and family.
  23. Grant them hearts that are forgiving and quick to seek reconciliation.
  24. May they find joy and fulfilment in their work and vocation. They will not be caught in the wrong job or vocation.
  25. Lord, help them to embrace holiness and purity of heart.
  26. Lord, help them to understand who they are. I pray they will never have identity confusion either for their gender or sexuality.
  27. Lord, help them not to be involved in any form of sexual immorality.
  28. May they always speak life and word of peace to everyone around them or whoever comes their way.
  29. Bless them with hearts that are passionate about Your kingdom and work.
  30. Lord, may they be filled with your peace that passes all understanding.
  31. Lord, may they always honour their parents, submit to authority and may they never be rebellious or violent.


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Jesus loves the little children
Jesus loves little children. Image Credit: Free Bible Images

Children are a heritage from the Lord,
    offspring a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
    are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
    whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
    when they contend with their opponents in court.

Psalm 127 vs 3-6

The Bible mentions that children are like arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior. Arrows are great weapons capable of piercing the hardest surfaces. An arrow forged from the right material and shot by a skilful archer achieves its aim. Parents are like the bow of an arrow. How much you are willing to give to prayers, proper training and direction for your children determine their outcome. This means that God has given us these children as a gift, and we have a responsibility to shoot our arrows in the right direction.

It is difficult for an arrow to reach its full potential without proper direction. I encourage you to pray these daily prayers over your children as they navigate life. I hope these prayers are helpful to you as you pray for your future children.

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