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70 Biblical Girl Names and their Meaning

Originally posted on June 15, 2023 @ 10:00 am

The Bible contains many women whose name has inspired us. The biblical girl and boy names are lovely names Christians always associate with. In this guide, I have created a list of 70 bible names for your baby girl, their meaning and their biblical reference.. These names are derived from various biblical figures, and their meanings are based on interpretations and historical context.

Let’s get started

Featured Photo by Sam Rana

List of Biblical Girl Names (in alphabetical order)

These are just a few of the many unique girl child names in the Bible, each with a significant meaning and biblical reference.

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biblical girl names
70 Biblical Girl Names and their Meaning 3

Girl Names that start with A

1. Abiah – meaning “my father is Yahweh” – 1 Samuel 8:2

2. Abigail – meaning “my father’s joy” – 1 Samuel 25:3

3. Achsah – meaning “anklet” or “adorned” – Joshua 15:16-19

4. Ada – meaning “adornment” – Genesis 4:19

5. Adah – meaning “ornament” or “beauty” – Genesis 4:19

6. Adalia – meaning “Yahweh is just” – 2 Chronicles 35:8

7. Adina – meaning “delicate” or “slender” – 1 Chronicles 11:42

8. Anna – meaning “gracious” or “full of grace” – Luke 2:36-38

9. Ariel – meaning “lioness of God” – Isaiah 29:1

10. Atarah – meaning “crown” or “garland” – 1 Chronicles 2:26

Girl Names that start with B

11. Bathsheba – meaning “daughter of the oath” – 2 Samuel 11:3

12. Bashemath – meaning “fragrance” or “sweet smell” – Genesis 26:34

13. Bernice – meaning “bringer of victory” – Acts 25:13

14. Bethany – meaning “house of figs” – John 11:1

15. Bilhah – meaning “bashful” or “timid” – Genesis 29:29

Names that start with C

16. Candace – meaning “queen mother” or “princess” – Acts 8:27

17. Chloe – meaning “verdant” or “blooming” – 1 Corinthians 1:11

18. Cozbi – meaning “lie” or “falsehood” – Numbers 25:15

Girl Names that start with D

19. Damaris – meaning “calf” or “heifer” – Acts 17:34

20. Deborah – meaning “bee” – Judges 4:4

21. Delaiah – meaning “Yahweh has drawn” – 1 Chronicles 3:24

22. Delilah – meaning “delicate” or “weak” – Judges 16:4

23. Dinah – meaning “judgment” – Genesis 30:21

24. Dorcas – meaning “gazelle” – Acts 9:36

Girl Names that start with E

25. Eden – meaning “delight” or “pleasure” – Genesis 2:8

26. Elisabeth – meaning “God is my oath” – Luke 1:5

27. Elizabeth – meaning “my God is an oath” – Luke 1:5-7

28. Esther – meaning “star” – Esther 2:7

29. Eunice – meaning “good victory” or “joyous victory” – Acts 16:1

30. Eve – meaning “life” or “living” – Genesis 3:20

biblical girl names; girl bible names
70 Biblical Girl Names and their Meaning 4

Girl Names that start with H

31. Hagar – meaning “flight” or “stranger” – Genesis 16:1

32. Hannah – meaning “grace” – 1 Samuel 1:2

33. Hephzibah – meaning “my delight is in her” – Isaiah 62:4

34. Huldah – meaning “weasel” – 2 Kings 22:14

Girl Names that start with J

35. Ioanna – meaning “God is gracious” – Luke 8:3

36. Jael – meaning “mountain goat” – Judges 4:17

37. Jehoaddan – meaning “Yahweh delights” – 2 Chronicles 22:11

38. Joanna – meaning “God is gracious” – Luke 24:10

39. Judith – meaning “woman of Judea” – Judith 8:1

40. Junia – meaning “youthful” – Romans 16:7

Girl Names that start with K

41. Keturah – meaning “incense” or “fragrance” – Genesis 25:1

42. Keziah – meaning “cassia” or “sweet spice” – Job 42:14

Girl Names that start with L

43. Leah – meaning “weary” or “wild cow” – Genesis 29:16-17

44. Lois – meaning “better” or “more desirable” – 2 Timothy 1:5

Girl Names that start with M

45. Magdalene – meaning “from Magdala” – Luke 8:2

46. Mara – meaning “bitter” – Ruth 1:20

47. Martha – meaning “lady” or “mistress” – Luke 10:38

48. Mary – meaning “bitter” or “beloved” – Luke 1:26-38

49. Michal – meaning “who is like God?” – 1 Samuel 18:20

50. Miriam – meaning “rebellion” or “bitterness” – Exodus 15:20

Girl Names that start with N

51. Naomi – meaning “pleasantness” or “delightful” – Ruth 1:2

Girl Names that start with P

52. Phoebe – meaning “radiant” or “shining” – Romans 16:1-2

53. Priscilla – meaning “ancient” or “venerable” – Acts 18:2-3

Girl Names that start with R

54. Rachel – meaning “ewe” – Genesis 29:6-10

55. Rahab – meaning “wide” or “spacious” – Joshua 2:1

56. Rebekah – meaning “to bind” or “to tie” – Genesis 24:15

57. Rhoda – meaning “rose” – Acts 12:12-15

58. Ruth – meaning “friend” or “companion” – Ruth 1:2

Girl Names that start with S

59. Salome – meaning “peaceful” – Mark 15:40

60. Sarah – meaning “princess” – Genesis 17:15-16

61. Sapphira – meaning “sapphire” – Acts 5:1-11

62. Selah – meaning “to praise” or “to pause and reflect” – Habakkuk 3:3-9

63. Serah – meaning “princess” or “ladylike” – Genesis 46:17

64. Shiphrah – meaning “beautiful” or “fair” – Exodus 1:15-21

65. Susanna – meaning “lily” or “rose” – Luke 8:1-3

Girl Names that start with T

66. Tabitha – meaning “gazelle” – Acts 9:36-42

67. Tamar – meaning “date palm” or “palm tree” – Genesis 38:6-30

68. Tryphena – meaning “delicate” or “dainty” – Romans 16:12

69. Tryphosa – meaning “luxurious” or “dainty” – Romans 16:12

Girl Names that start with V

70. Vashti – meaning “beautiful” – Esther 1:1-22

Girl Names that start with Z

71. Zipporah – meaning “bird” – Exodus 2:21-22

15 God also said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you are no longer to call her Sarai; her name will be Sarah. 16 I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her. I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her.”

Genesis 17:15-16

The biblical girl names are a source of inspiration, and it’s sometimes difficult to choose from all these beautiful names. I especially love Deborah; maybe it’s because I bear the name, or I love the prophetess who was a trailblazer in her days. Whichever name you choose, I pray your little angel finds expression in God and fulfils her purpose.

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