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Faith Comes by Hearing

Christian living refers to the way of life that is consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is cultivating a personal relationship with God and living according to Christian values and principles. Christian living is having faith, love, obedience, prayer, worship, and a desire to grow spiritually.
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Discover the path to purposeful Christian living through discipleship. Explore biblical teachings and practical guidance to deepen your faith and live out your calling as a disciple of Christ.

Are you seeking a life of purpose, meaning, and spiritual growth? Do you desire to deepen your relationship with God and live out your calling as a disciple of Christ? Look no further. We are here to guide you on a transformative journey towards embracing discipleship, deepening your faith, and living a purposeful Christian life.

A life surrendered to God, where your actions and decisions align with his will, is the desire of God for us. He wants us to grow spiritually and wants our lifestyle and character to reflect his principles and love. We are all called to be disciples of and ambassadors of Christ.



The New Man

Dead To Be Alive

 Dead to be alive translates to us Christians who are followers of Christ. We have to be dead to sin and alive in Christ Jesus. We become dead to the law to have freedom. Dead to sin to have life, we’re dead to the works of the flesh, We are dead to win more souls to Christ.


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The Gift of Faith

The Gift of Faith

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What Is The Gift Of Working Of Miracles?

What Is The Gift Of Working Of Miracles?

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The Spiritual Gifts of Healing

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The Prophet Elisha (lessons and Miracles)

The Prophet Elisha (lessons and Miracles)

Elisha is one of my favourite prophets in the bible. His life showed true service and dedication to the work of God. God performed miracles through Elisha while he was alive and even after his death which is very remarkable. 

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Here are 18 Bible verses about body image to remind you of your inherent value and worth as a child of God. 1 Samuel 16:7

5 Hindrances to Hearing God

5 Hindrances to Hearing God

Hindrances to hearing God’s voice include:
1. Fale expectation 2. Sin 3. Lack of faith
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20 Bible Verses about Mission

20 Bible Verses about Mission

Missions for a Christian simply means sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Bible Verses about mission 2. Acts 1:8 (NIV) – “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

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Don’t wait another day to live godly and embrace a purposeful Christian life.


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