Blood covenant in the Bible are agreements made between two parties that involve a symbolic use of blood or exchange of blood. The blood of Jesus is the blood of the covenant shed for us.
Christian Living and Discipleship Articles
The Abundant Blessings of God
Explore the blessings of God and find hope and joy learning about his abundant blessings. Material blessings are the blessings of God that have to do with the material or financial needs we have.
Prayer Against Strongholds
Prayer against strongholds
1. Heavenly Father, I break free from every stronghold of the mind.
2. Every wrongdoing of my generation that has placed me in bondage, I declare myself free from them today in Jesus’ name
18 Bible Verses About Body Image
Here are 18 Bible verses about body image to remind you of your inherent value and worth as a child of God. 1 Samuel 16:7
The Good Shepherd Bible Study (Ezekiel 34, John 10:11-16)
There are many lessons we can learn from the good shepherd bible study according to Ezekiel 34 and John 10.
Open Heavens Daily Devotional May 25, 2024
The topic for our open heavens daily devotional today May 25, 2024 is “The benefits of knowing Christ”.
5 Hindrances to Hearing God
Hindrances to hearing God’s voice include:
1. Fale expectation 2. Sin 3. Lack of faith
Dangers of not haring God
20 Bible Verses about Mission
Missions for a Christian simply means sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Bible Verses about mission 2. Acts 1:8 (NIV) – “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The Biblical Meaning of Lasciviousness
Lasciviousness is a term used in the Bible to describe unrestrained and morally inappropriate behaviour. Lasciviousness is from the Latin word; “lascivus or lascivia”, meaning lust. It is a behaviour intended to provoke sexual lust.
List of Jesus’ Miracles In Chronological Order
37 Miracles of Jesus in Chronological Order
Jesus turned water into wine Cana of Galilee John 2:1-11
Jesus heals a nobleman’s son Cana of Galilee John 4:43-54
Joseph: An Example for all Youth
The biblical story of Joseph, recorded in the Book of Genesis 39-50, depicts his journey from being one of Jacob’s sons to achieving prominence in Egypt. His story inspires perseverance, love, kindness and many more.
5 Tips on How to Hear God’s Voice
hearing God’s voice is important for all believers. Here are eight ways God speaks to us: God speaks through his word, he speaks through our inner voice